First Announcement
This is the first invitation to participate in the International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics, 2015, which will be organized by the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, the Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, the Technical University of Košice, the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, the Slovak Physical Society, Košice, Slovakia, IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania, and which will be held in High Tatra Mountains from July 13 until July 17, 2015. The site of the conference is the Academia congress centre in Stará Lesná.
The Conference follows the rich traditions of the previous conferences on mathematical modeling, numerical methods and computational physics that have been held in Dubna, Russia and also in Slovakia since 1964, e.g., Computational Modeling and Computing in Physics 1996, Modern Trends in Computational Physics 1998, V. International Congress on Mathematical Modeling 2002, Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics 2006, 2009, 2011, and 2013. This year Conference is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of JINR.
Plenary lectures (60 min.) and invited talks (30 min.) are scheduled during the morning sessions. Two parallel sessions (except Wednesday) with short talks (20 min.) will be held in the afternoons. Contributions to be given as talks will be selected by the Organizing Committee on the recommendation of the International Program Committee.
The plenary lecture and invited talk speakers will be specified in the next bulletin.
About 80-90 scientists are expected to attend the MMCP 2015 Conference. The Conference will start on Monday, July 13, at 9 a.m. and end on Friday, July 17, 2015. The arrivals are expected on Sunday afternoon, July 12, and departures on Friday afternoon, July 17.
The working language of the Conference is English.
The Proceedings will be published soon after the Conference.
Preliminary topics:
- mathematical methods and tools for modeling complex physical and technical systems, computational chemistry, biology, and biophysics;
- methods, software and computer complexes for experimental data processing;
- computer algebra and quantum computing methods, algorithms and software;
- distributed scientific computing and big data;
- parallel and hybrid calculations, extra massive parallelism.
We kindly ask you to inform us about your interest to participate at the Conference MMCP 2015. Please pass the information along to those colleagues of you who could be interested in the Conference Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics 2015.
Here you can obtain the poster of the conference. The Second Announcement will be mailed in February, 2015.
For all communication and information please use the Conference e-mail